OK: Henryetta family starts extreme petition filled with false statements to strengthen laws for sex offenders

Source: ktul.com 5/9/23

TULSA, Okla. (KTUL) — A Henryetta family has started a petition to strengthen laws for sex offenders in Oklahoma following the tragedy that took the lives of five children.

The petition, which the family has titled “The Knights Law,” opposes sex offender sentencing and probation requirements.

On the petition page, the family gave the following petition description and statement:

After recent tragedy struck our small community of Henryetta, Oklahoma, we decided to write this petition to help change the law on sentencing and probation terms in Oklahoma for sex offenders. More specifically child sex offenders. It is our very strong believe that sex offenders CAN NOT BE REHABILITATED!!

Why does a person who commits a sex crime against a child not required to have home checks done monthly? Why are they allowed to marry people with children, or even have their own children?

We’re asking that a person CONVICTED of a sex crime against a child serve life in prison without the possibility of parole. We ask that the probationary terms of those already released from prison for child sex offenses be reevaluated…

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Life without parole for something quite possibly considered legal in other countries? (teenage issues I speak of)… Lifetime without parole? I suggest they take their vitriol hatred elsewhere lest one of THEIR loved ones winds up on the registry. Then they can find out how bad the laws really are. What happened was tragic, but there are a LOT of open questions that need dealt with. Or do they want Oklahoma to turn into the next Florida? Would that placate their lust for revenge?

I guess SOR wasn’t the fix all the proponents claimed it would be. The database driven regime has been such a failure people believe more of the same is needed. Increase the punishment.
It seems every day I read of some human disaster occurring in the American South.

Below the verbiage of the petition there is a little link called “Report a policy violation”. Use it. I did under the “misleading” policy.

I don’t have a problem with someone being handed a life sentence for forcibly raping someone no matter the victim’s age, and especially for the forcible rape of a child, but to petition to just blanket cover “sex offenders” in general is way overboard.
To say “sex offenders” cannot be rehabilitated is complete nonsense, which we all know. I wonder how many people she has met in public and spoken to in a friendly manner that she didn’t realize was a registered person….

Someone signed the petition stating she talked to an expert in the 1970s and 1980s, so she believes data from 50 years ago. Maybe we should focus on prevention, education, and rehabilitation benefiting society, instead of this broad brush one size fits all bs.

A ridiculous petition! A knee-jerk reaction in the extreme. And just wait until it is one of their loved ones who gets charged and convicted with a sex offense.

Was this guy ever convicted of a “child sex crime?” His original conviction was assault, which I’d assumed was forcible rape, either of an adult or a similarly-aged teen. He committed the “child sex crime” literally WHILE INCARCERATED. Wtf is a “monthly police visit” going to do? This petition isn’t worth a second of anyone’s time.

I understand the anguish these families are experiencing, and have great sympathy for them. However, is there any indication that these horrible murders had anything to do with sex or the fact that the guy had a sex crime conviction? He had multiple problems including drugs and alcohol as well as a long history of anti-social behavior. That his history included a sex crime is likely incidental to rather than fundamental to his mental and criminal problems.

I think Covid-19 has had a profoundly negative impact on their minds. These people are practically uneducable, and therefore incredibly dangerous.

It’s talk like this that is going to start the next civil war. Truth be told, I bet ignorant people like these would be all for it. As for me, anyone who wants to bring harm to my door will be met with equal or greater force in return.

Totalitarianism and stupidity always go together. It’s very clear these people are profoundly uneducated and they are playing right into the hands of the state.

Last edited 1 year ago by Jack

Every time something happens they wanna enact new laws. They want to punish everyone else for what this one guy did. I made a mistake 10 years ago and since then I’ve gotten married and have kids of my own. I’ve kept the same job since then that provides a great service to the community. Why should I be punished for what this one guy did?

This woman’s “crusade” only serves to brainwash society even further with weaponized hate towards everyone with a sex offense.

Also, simple possession should not be considered a “crime against a child.” It’s really a bad faith argument rooted in emotional hysteria and animosity.